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I just moved to Salt Lake City, Utah. I will be going to University of Utah this fall to study to become an elementary school teacher! I am hoping to teach either 4th or 5th grade.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Big Changes In My Life

Well I finally did it! I moved to Salt Lake just a week ago... something I have been wanting to do almost ever since I got to Cedar.. It has been such a huge change I dont even think it has really hit me yet. So far it is amazing to be somewhere so big with so much more to do. But it hasnt all been great. Its true that now I live in the city where I've wanted to be, but I also didnt realize how much I would be leaving behind. Cedar was where I grew up.. where almost all the big events in my life took place and its really hard to leave that all behind. It's not like I just left for a little while to go to college... cause i dont really ever plan on going bacthere.
*I know that I'm going to have great times here too.. especially once I start going to school. I've been wanting to go to U of U ever since I was a child.. but for right now for the most part life here has been mainly boring.
When you're waiting for something to happen everyday for a long time, you picture it being this glamorous thing... like I would move here and everything would be perfect and it would be how i expected it to be.. ha but so far... its not..
*Its way hard to go from hanging out with the same people to just not having them around any more.. I miss my friends :/ haha.. and the funny thing is we didnt even really hang out that much... but i always knew if i was bored or just wanted to do something i could count on one of them to be around... we would do ridiculous things too.. things i couldnt just ask people that i dont really know that well to do... like go on random drives to get this wierd mint icecream or drive around for hours trying to steal a plastic reindeer... sometimes it seems like the most random things make the best memories...
*One of the other reasons moving has been hard is almost too pathetic to bring up... but anyone that really knows me knows how much i love my dog Toshi... he lived for me almost his whole life and now he doesnt.... ha how lame is that i miss my freakingg dog. but i do. He is completley fine and he lives with Nick.. who takes great care of him but its still not the same as having him with me 24/7...
 I know this is dragging on and on but I just have soo much to say haha....
*Ok so another completely stressful thing about this new move is that I'm not quite sure where I want to work.. I got a job offer at Forever 21 that i planned on taking until it started to seem kind of sketchy.. I'm 20, have plenty of work experience, and my associates so i dont really want to deal with some stressful job... im still not sure what im going to do there.. but I do have an interview for a really great job on June 1st! Wish me LUCK! I'm going to need it to land this job, but unless I do get it, or until I do, I need something!! Im hoping that by tomorrow I will know more on that..
*Ok and so the final thing that has been hard about all this is something I found out about today.. When i was 14 I found out I had a wierd heartbeat, which is actually way common and no big deal at all. But when i recently got re tested, I was hoping to hear that it had gone away.. which is pretty common. But it hasn't and probably never will and I also found out my heart is beating wayy too fast.. which it definitely shouldnt at my age. So now I have to go to another doctor and do all this stuff.. I am OK!! ha but its seriously been one thing after another.. I guess you could say that today just was not a good day. Wow this has been way negative and for that I'm sorry! I promise I will not gripe any more.. I do have an amazing life... and I am soo excited for what is to come!!

Just for fun I put this picture of my awesome (im being totally serious) room which has no ceiling and paneling on the walls!! You should see it in person :)


  1. Can I come see it in person? I told you to call me if you're bored. I really mean it.

  2. Sam! Even though I haven't seen you since 2007 and even then I was way loopy. So let's say, even though I haven't seen you since middle school it would be super legit to start hanging out. I'm stoked you're going to the U. I'm a Social Work major up there and maybe we could hang out and get lunch sometime at the Union (: You rock, stay positive it will all work out in the end.
